
Cybersecurity threats and attacks are growing as fast as digital businesses. At PROACTIVE ITS, we help you shield your digital operations from cyber risks.

Social Engineering

Professionals assigned to use or protect confidential business information are often the main source of threat to your data...

Incident Response Planning

Incident Response Plans help you avoid chaos in case of cyber attacks or security breach...

Security Strategies

Moving from a traditional to a digital economy has certainly given external parties access to personal and corporate data, turning Cybersecurity into a strategic pillar for future-proof companies.

Risk Assessment

Prevention is always better than remediation and Cybersecurity Risk Assessment enables companies to do just that by assessing current and potential threats and identifying vulnerable areas...

Penetration Testing Internal

Penetration Testing is a method that helps identify risks by detecting network and application vulnerabilities. The concept is based on simulating an attack on your IT asset to test its weaknesses...