Digital Transformation

Digital Maturity

The way to Digital Transformation is not without hurdles, especially for companies that have low digital awareness. To kick-off this transformation, companies need to assess their degree of digitization at the beginning, during, and at the end of the process. This is called Digital Maturity, and it is measured through a Digital Maturity Index or DMI that allows the assessment of a company's digital capabilities and performance throughout the transformation process.

At PROACTIVE ITS, we believe that knowing and tracking a company's Digital Maturity is crucial to overcoming the digital transformation challenge. Our Digital Maturity diagnosis is two-fold:
1- Examining the company's internal and external processes, communication channels and platforms with different stakeholders, identifying relevant needs, and determining areas of improvement to increase productivity and elevate the customer experience.

2- Assessing the company's current digital capabilities and deciding on needed upgrades to level up with the latest SMAC technologies, industry trends, and digital concepts, such as customer journeys, omnichannel communication, agility, crowdsourcing, gamification, and others.

The results of our diagnosis allow us to determine the company's Digital Maturity Index, which in addition to other key metrics and factors, is fundamental to define the company's digitalization strategy. In general, companies can be categorized according to 5 Digital Maturity models: 


The 4 Stages of Digital Maturity

Once the company has set its mind to digitally transform, it will go through 4 main stages to reach Digital Maturity: